SAKAE TOWN Livelihood Support Guide

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  5. 2. Education (4)Various subsidy programs (school expense subsidies, subsidies for school lunches)

2. Education (4)Various subsidy programs (school expense subsidies, subsidies for school lunches)

(4)Various subsidy programs (school expense subsidies, subsidies for school lunches)

Financial assistance for education is available for families with financial difficulties. As there is an income limit, you need to check the eligibility if you wish to apply for it.

1.Contents of assistance

School Education Division (0476-33-7717)

Assistance is available for school trip expenses, medical expenses, mutual aid premiums, school meal fees, etc.

2.Applying for school expense subsidies

  • Two types of subsidies are in place depending on the applicant's income: "welfare benefits" and"school expense subsidies".
  • The Prefectural Welfare Division is in charge of "welfare benefits", and the education board of the town is in charge of "school expense subsidies".
  • When applying for school expense subsidies, parents should contact the school or a child welfare worker.

3.Subsidies for school meal expenses

Supply center of school meals (0476-95-0200)

  • Subsidies are provided for school meal expenses for the third child and above. (As there are requirements, contact the supply center of school meals for details.)




学校教育課(0476- 33-7717)



  • 収入によって、「生活保護」と「準要保護」の2種類があります。
  • 「生活保護」は県福祉課、「準要保護」は、町教育委員会が担当します。
  • 保護者は就学援助の申請を行う場合、学校もしくは民生児童委員へ相談してください。



  • 第3子以降の子ども達の給食費が助成されます。(条件がありますので詳しくは給食センターまでお問い合わせください。)