SAKAE TOWN Livelihood Support Guide

2. In the Case of Natural Disaster (2) Typhoon

General Affairs Division (0476-95-1111)

(2) Typhoon

Typhoons develop mostly between July and October and bring heavy rainfall and high winds. Sometimes a typhoon causes landslides and floods. Some people may be injured by flying objects, and there is a danger of storm surges.

≪If a typhoon hits≫

  • If your house is equipped with shutters, close them.
  • Do not go out when strong winds are blowing.
  • Always check the latest weather information. If an evacuation advisory is issued, evacuate promptly regardless of the above.
  • Stay away from damaged or fallen utility poles, dangling electric wires, etc.





  • 雨戸やシャッターがあれば閉めておく。
  • 強風のときは外出しない。
  • 常に最新の気象情報をチェックし、2.に関わらず, 避難勧告の指示などがあれば、すみやかに避難する。
  • 折れた電柱や垂れ下がった電線には近寄らない。